Editing Symbols in the Layout Window - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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You can edit the symbols on your layout to create truly unique maps. MapInfo Pro lets you choose symbols from many standard sets that install with the product, and you can customize the size, color, effect, and rotation of those symbols.

You can also load your own custom symbol set using the instructions in this section. However, you may not be able to apply all of the display effects to them. Adding a custom symbol set file saves it into the \CUSTSYMB directory.

To move a symbol on the layout canvas, click and drag it to a new location. To move a symbol with more precision, right-click on it and select Frame Properties to open the Frame Properties dialog box. Enter new horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) values to center the symbol to. You can also change the symbol display style from here by clicking on the Style button.

To edit the display style of a symbol on your layout:

  1. On LAYOUT tab, in the Style group, click Select and then select the symbol you want to edit.

    To select multiple symbols, press the CTRL key while selecting symbols.

  2. On the LAYOUT tab, in the Style group, from the Style list, click Symbol to open the Symbols dialog.
  3. From the Symbol Set list, select the name of the symbol set you want to view and then click on the specific symbol you want to use.

    You can also select a symbol using its unique identifier by typing it into the Character Code field.

    To use your own custom symbols, select Custom Symbols from the list and then click Add. In the Add Custom Symbols dialog, navigate to your custom symbol set file, select it, and click Open. You can then select a symbol from your custom symbol set to use on the layout. After adding your custom symbol set, it displays within the Symbol Set list for use the next time you edit symbols.

  4. Set the style options for the symbol. You can see a preview of the symbol as you make your style selections.
    • Size - Select the size of the symbol font from this drop-down list or enter a new value.
    • Symbol Color - Select the color for this symbol from this drop-down list. This option is not available for Custom Symbols.
    • Symbol Effects - Options such as Halo, Border, Drop Shadow, and Bold can enhance the look of your symbols on the map.

      Not all options are available for every symbol font. Selecting a Custom Symbols shows these options:

      • Show Background - Displays the custom symbol using the background color that the symbol was created with.
      • Apply Color - Replaces all non-white pixels with a color that you choose from the color palette.
      • Display at actual Size
    • Rotate Symbol - Enter the value in degrees that you want to rotate the symbol on the layout. A value of 360 is a full rotation, a positive value rotates the symbol in a counter-clockwise direction, and a negative value rotates it in a clockwise direction.
  5. Click OK to save your changes.