Saving Labels - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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Whenever you manually edit automatic labels (including deleting using the Cut command on the SPATIALtab, or press the Delete key), change the settings on individual automatic labels, or create labels with the Label Tool, you will need to save your map to a workspace to have them display in your next session.

For example, label settings are deactivated by default. Click the Automatic Labels icon in the Layers window to display automatic labels on your map and do not save the change when you close the table. The next time you display your map, the labels do not display because the settings go back to the defaults. As with the other Layers options, label settings are temporary unless you save a workspace.

Manually edited labels and labels created with the Label Tool behave differently. If you close a window or a table and you have label edits pending, MapInfo Pro will specifically prompt you to save the session to a workspace.

This also applies to labels you have deleted using the Cut command on the SPATIALtab, or when you press the Delete key. You may not have any labels visible on your map, but because deleting a label is an editing operation, MapInfo Pro will ask you if you want to save the edits to a workspace.

  • Click Save to save your edited labels to a Workspace file.
  • Click Discard if you do not want to save any edited labels. The window-close or table-close operation will proceed.
  • Click Cancel if you do not want to proceed with the Close operation. The table or window will not close, and your Map window will keep any edited labels.

For more information, see Removing Labels.