Although you will probably do most of your labeling automatically, you will need interactive labeling to edit and create individual labels.
It is very easy to edit individual labels, either those you have displayed automatically or those you have created interactively with the Label Tool. Using the Select command from the MAP or SPATIAL tab, double-click the label. The Label Style dialog box displays. The changes you make in Label Style dialog box apply only to the selected label. Changes you want to apply to all the labels must be done through Label Display and Labeling Rules tabs in the Layer Properties dialog box (from the Layers window double-click on a layer in the list).
The Label Style dialog box allows you to make changes to the text, position, and angle of the labels. You can also make changes to callouts, add, or delete them.
To change the label content, simply type the new label text into the Text box. The other controls in this dialog box work the same way as in the Layer Properties dialog box.
Moving a selected label is the same as moving other objects; simply drag them with the mouse. If you move a label that has a callout, the line will reappear automatically after you move the label.
You can also rotate the label manually about its anchor point. When you select the label, use the rotation edit handle that appears to the lower right of the label.