Multiple changes have been made to improve legends swatches. This includes various types of swatches (custom symbol, rectangular fills, etc.). Changes also include appearance on-screen, as well as when printing or exporting.
Custom Symbol Legend Swatches
Many of the raster images that are used as custom symbols (in the CUSTSYMB directory) are now drawn in a different way that improves the appearance of the images. This is especially noticeable when an image is drawn at a smaller size than the original image. This should look better on-screen (in Layout or Legend windows), as well as when printed or exported.
Extra Border around Rectangle Fill Swatches when Printed
Previously, printing a Layout containing Legend swatches for fills and lines frequently resulted in blurry edge. Now the edges will be crisp.
Wrong Colors In Legend Swatches when Printed
Previously, sometimes the color of the legend sample did not look correct. This was due to smoothing. Now the smoothing has been turned off so the sample should look crisp and have the correct color when printed.
Viewing PDF Files containing Legend Frames in Adobe Acrobat
If you print a layout with legend frames, to PDF, you may need to adjust your Acrobat settings. This is especially relevant when using a custom symbol with Show Background turned on, or a fill swatch.
If you see a thin gray line around the edge of the legend swatch, you may need to turn off Image Smoothing in Acrobat. To do that, in Acrobat go to Edit > Preferences > Page Display > Rendering > Smooth Images (uncheck).