Create Legend: Setting Legend Default Properties (Step 2) - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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This section continues from Create Legend: Choosing Layers (Step 1).

When creating a map legend, you have the option to specify a title and orientation for the Legend Designer window as well as default settings for the legend frames that display in the legend window. A legend frame is a grouping of information in the legend that is specific to a layer on the map. Each legend frame has a title, subtitle, and listing of symbols that represent that data for the layer on the map. You can specify display settings that apply to all legend frames, such as the font to use for the titles, subtitles, and text beside symbols. The Legend frame settings you make in Step 2 of the Create Legend wizard apply to all the map layers in the legend.

To define legend properties and legend frame defaults in step two of the Create Legend wizard:

  • Set a new window title for the Legend Designer. In the Window Title box, type a unique name for the Legend Designer window to use instead of the default .The default Legend Designer window title is based on the name of the Map window and is "Legend Designer for <map window title>".
  • Select the orientation of the Legend Designer window, by selecting either the Landscape or Portrait radial buttons.
  • Specify a title and its font for the legend frame.

    In the Title box, notice the # character. It is a placeholder for the name of the layer on which the frame is based. For instance, if you are creating a legend for the Australia layer, "# Legend" in the Title box will display as "Australia Legend" in the legend, where # is the name of the layer. The name of the layer will display in whatever position you put the # character. To create a title with the # character in it, precede it with the `\' character. For example, "Northeast \#" displays as "Northeast #."

    Click the Style button next to the Title box to display the Text Style dialog box. Here, specify the font, color, size, and type of emphasis of the text in your legend title.

  • Specify a subtitle and its font for the legend frame.

    In the Subtitle box, use the # and `\' characters in the same manner as you did in the Title box.

    Click the Style button next to the Subtitle box to change the style of the text.

  • Specify the text that displays next to each symbol in the legend.

    In the Style Name box, use the % character to include the symbol type: point, line, or region in the style name text. It acts as a placeholder for the type of symbol displayed and is used the same way as the # character. The # character can also be used in this box. Again, to create text with these characters in it, precede the characters with the `\' character.

    Click the Style button next to the Style Name to specify the font style for the text that displays next to each symbol in the legend,

    Note: Although the # character can be used in all three text boxes in the legend frame properties, the % character can only be used in the Style Name box.

Click Finish to create the Legend. To specify unique attributes for legend frames, such as title, subtitle, and pattern for the style names, click Next and continue to Create Legend: Setting Frame Properties (Step 3).

See Also: