Creating a Map Legend - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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You can create a legend for the map layers in your Map window. The legend you create displays in a Legend Designer window where you customize the elements of the legend to enhance your map presentation. A LEGEND tab displays on the ribbon where you can access modify legend content and align legend frames. To learn about map legends and the Legend Designer window, see What is a Legend? and About the Legend Designer Window.

Creating a legend that represents the styles in your map is done through the Create Legend wizard when you select the Add Legend option from the MAP tab or select the Legend window from the HOME tab. The wizard has three screens; the first screen selects the vector, raster, and thematic layers in the map to create legend styles for, the second and third screens provide customization options and are optional. You can also customize a legend afterwards from the Legend Designer window.

Note: There is a size limitation of 1600 rows for a legend frame, which ensures that it does not slow resizing the Legend Designer window. A message displays to warn you when a legend frame list is truncated to 1600 rows.

If you already have a Legend Designer window active, you can add more legends to it by choosing Add Legend from the LEGEND tab.

Thematic legends are automatically created when you create the theme on a map layer using the Create Thematic Map wizard. For more information see Working with a Thematic Map Legend.

Customizing Your Map Legend

If after creating a map legend, you want to customize it by changing a map legend's titles, list text, and font styles, then see the sections under Customizing the Contents of a Legend Frame.

More advanced users who are familiar with working with map legends, may want to review the sections under Advanced Options when Creating Map Legends, to learn how to use table metadata and attributes when creating a legend, and how to work with special columns with a table join.