Working with guidelines is similar to working with grid lines, except that you can discretely position a guideline for more control when aligning legend frames.
Adding Guidelines
To add a guideline to the Legend Designer window:
- On the LEGEND tab, in the Alignment group, on the Guide list, click either Add Vertical Guideline or Add Horizontal Guideline.
- Click on the guideline and drag it to where you want to position it in the window.
Clicking Add Vertical Guideline or Add Horizontal Guideline adds a guideline to the center of the Legend Designer window. If you click the button multiple times, you will have more than one guideline at the center position—it might not look that way until you start dragging them to a new position.
When you move a guideline a position value in device units displays in the Legend Designer window (on the guideline).
Aligning a Map Legend to Guidelines
Once you have added and positioned a guideline, you are ready to snap a legend frame to it:
- Select one or more legend frames (frame borders display to indicate your selections).
- Click on one of the alignment commands, on the LEGEND tab in the Align group, to snap the edge of the frame border to the nearest guideline. You may need to enlarge the Legend Designer window to move legends in this way.
While using the left mouse to drag or resize an item, pressing and holding the Alt key temporarily disables all snap to guide behavior. Releasing the Alt key enables these behaviors.
Hiding and Showing Guidelines
To hide or show guidelines, on the LEGEND tab, in the Align group, click Disable Guidelines or Enable Guidelines.
Removing Guidelines
To remove one guideline, right-click on it and then select Remove Guideline.
To remove all guidelines, on the LEGEND tab, in the Align group, click Remove All Guidelines.
Resetting the Legend Frames Layout
If after realigning legend frames you want to return to the default layout for frames:
- Right-click in the Legend Designer window and select Refresh All.
- In the Refresh Legend dialog box, ensure that the Refresh Layout check box is checked.
- Optionally specify if you want the refresh to be for a Portrait or Landscape view.
- Click OK.