Legend Attribute Considerations - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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For Theme Layers

If you select a theme layer, the title and subtitle currently set for the thematic legend display. You can change the title and subtitle text, but the other controls are not available. Changing the theme legend's title and subtitle affects all occurrences of the thematic legend. In addition, fonts specified in Step 2 of the Create Legend wizard are not applied to thematic legends.

For Display Style Overrides

If you have Style Override activated in a layer (double-click the layer in the Layers or Explorer window and check the Style Override check box on the Layer Display tab), the column and label fields will be ignored when the legend is created. Step 3 of the Create Legend wizard will indicate whether Display Style Override has been activated for the selected legend frame. If the Style Overrides are turned off for a map layer and the legend is refreshed, it will be refreshed according to the column and label originally set.

MapInfo Pro contains metadata keys for labels for layers that have Display Style Override activated, but they must be put in manually.

We support the following metadata keys when Display Style override is active. If these keys exist in the .TAB file, their values are used for the legend text.

\legend\allpoints = some string value
\legend\alllines = some string value
\legend\allregions = some string value