The Text Object (Read Only) dialog box displays when the layer where the object resides in is not editable. You can view the attribute settings for the text object, but you cannot change them. You must make the layer where the text object resides editable if you want to change the attributes. On the HOME tab, in the Windows group, click Tool Windows, and click Layers from the list, to open the Layers window, where you can specify layer settings.
The text itself displays in the text box. Once a text object has been created, you can edit it through this text box. Highlight the text and type in your changes.
When you click on this button, MapInfo Pro displays the Text Style dialog box. Use this dialog box to change the font and style of your text.
Start X, Y
The X-Y coordinates of the upper-left corner of the text object.
Line Spacing
Single is the default value.
Choose Single when you want a single space between lines.
Choose 1.5 options when you want one and a half spaces between lines.
Choose Double when you want double spacing between lines.
Left is the default value.
Choose Left when you want successive lines of text to be aligned to the left border of the text object.
Choose Center when you want successive lines of text to be aligned to the center of the text object.
Choose Right when you want successive lines of text to be aligned to the right border of the text object.
Label Line
The three options determine what type of label line, if any, you will have.
No line
Choose No line when you do not want a line extending to your label.
Simple line
Choose Simple line when you want a plain line extending to your label.
Arrow line
Choose Arrow line when you want an arrow at the end of your line.
Rotation Angle
Indicates the rotation angle. MapInfo Pro measures angles starting from horizontal and going counter-clockwise, as follows:
See also: