To display this dialog box, on the PRO tab, select Options and then click Startup.
Use the Startup Preferences dialog box to change the behavior of MapInfo Pro when it starts and when saving workspaces.
Workspace Options
Save MapInfoPro.WOR when Exiting
If checked, your work setup will be automatically saved as the MapInfoPro.WOR workspace when you exit.
Load MapInfoPro.WOR when Starting
If checcked, the MapInfoPro.WOR workspace will automatically be loaded when MapInfo Pro is started.
Save Queries in Workspaces
If checked, queries will automatically be saved in workspaces when you exit MapInfo Pro.
Save Printer Information into Workspaces
If checked, printer information will be saved for each window. The workspace will include information that overrides the printer specifications made in the Printer Preferences dialog box.
Restore Printer Information from Workspaces
If checked, printer information will be restored for each window when opening a workspace. If the printer designated in the workspace is not available or this option is not checked, then the default printer set on the PRO tab, by clicking Options, and Printer is used.
Default DBMS Connection
Allows you to specify a DBMS connection that is opened each time MapInfo Pro starts. These controls do not display if DBMS support is not installed.
Click the Set button to identify the connection and Clear to remove the default connection.
Display Quick Start Dialog
If checked, the Quick Start dialog box will be displayed when you start MapInfo Pro.