This dialog box is accessible from the Table Bounds button on the Make Table Mappable dialog box. Use it to control the extent of a table download from an RDBMS. It has the following options.
Use Data Bounds (requires full table scan)
This is the default setting in which MapInfo Pro calculates the bounds of the current set of geometry data in the table. This requires a full table scan which make take some time to calculate. (A progress bar displays during this calculation.)
Use CoordSys Bounds
Select this option to use the default bounds of the coordinate system.
For Oracle tables, this information is retrieved from the server metadata. If MapInfo Pro cannot retrieve or properly translate it into a valid MapInfo Pro coordinate system, the Set Table Bounds dialog box provides a place for you to enter the bounds in decimal degrees for X1, Y1, and X2, Y2.
Use Custom Bounds
If you choose this option, MapInfo Pro will use whatever bounds you specify in the dialog box. The default setting is the coordinate system bounds or what MapInfo Pro retrieves from the metadata.
Bounds X1, Y1 and X2, Y2
The lower left (X1, Y1) and upper right (X2, Y2) corners of the table bounds. Text boxes where you can specify CoordSys or custom bounds in decimal degrees.
Navigation Buttons
Completes the operation and closes the dialog box.
Cancels the operation.