The Select dialog box allows you to specify search criteria.
Select records from table
Use this menu to choose the table with which you want to work.
That satisfy
Type your query expression here or click the Assist button to display the Expression dialog box. This dialog box will help you build your query expression.
Store results in table (optional)
This option allows you to name the temporary table that holds the aggregation results. Selection is the default value. If you choose Selection, MapInfo names the table Query1, Query2, etc.
Sort results by column (optional)
When you want the query sorted by the value in some column, choose that here. By default, the query is unsorted. You can sort a table into some desired order by using Select and specifying a sort but not using any expression. MapInfo Pro then selects all records in the table and sorts them according to their values in the specified column.
Accesses the Expression dialog box where you can build a query expression.
Browse results
This box is checked by default. When you want a table of your query results, leave it checked. Otherwise, clear it. The table is named according to the specifications entered into Store results in table.
Save Template
Saves the dialog box settings as query templates.
Load Template
Loads the saved query templates.
Executes the query.
See Also: