The Save Window As dialog box lets you capture the active window and save it as a supported image format. You can then use the exported file with other applications.
To open this dialog box, on the HOME tab, in the Output group, click Save Image.
The Save Image command is active when any of the following windows are open:
- Browser window
- Map window
- Layout window
- Layout window
- Redistrict window
- 3DMap window
- Legend Designer window (version 11.5 and later)
Only these formats are supported by the Legend Designer window:
- Window Bitmap (*.bmp)
- JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpg)
- Portable Network Graphics Format (*.png)
- Tagged image File Format (*.tif)
- TIFF CMYK (*.tif)
- TIFF CCITT Group 4 (*.tif)
- TIFF LZW (*.tif)
- Graphic Interchange Format (*.gif)
Image Size
Same as Window
The default Width and Height of the image are automatically displayed. When you choose this setting, the image is saved with the default dimensions.
Custom Size
When you want to make the image larger or smaller, scale the image by either entering the width or height or resize the window manually. When you change either the height or the width, MapInfo Pro changes the other dimension to preserve the image's proportions.
Designate width in pixels. If you enter invalid (out of range) values for height/width in pixels, an error will occur producing an infinite loop.
Designate height in pixels.
Designate resolution in DPI (dots per inch).
Create a Geographically Referenced TAB File
Use this check box to create a .TAB file that is mappable. (Georeferenced TAB files are not available for Non-Mapper windows.)
Use Anti-Aliasing
Anti-aliasing is not available for Browser and Legend Designer windows.
Select this check box to use the default anti-aliasing options selected in the Output Settings Preferences dialog box. Click the Advanced button to select local anti-aliasing options.
Navigation Buttons
Accesses the Save Window to File dialog box where you can specify a file name, directory, file format, and drive.
Cancels the operation.
The Advanced button is not present for Browser and Legend Designer windows.
Displays the Advanced Exporting Options Dialog Box.