When rows are being filtered from more than one column, Conjunction becomes available. Choose one of these boolean operators: AND, OR, AND NOT, OR NOT.
Choose the column(s) for which you want to filter rows.
If you are filtering rows for one column, select a column, operator, and value. If filtering rows on more than one column, select a column from the next drop-down list. This will also activate the Conjunction field.
The Operator list boxes contain all supported operator symbols for their corresponding selected column. The list of operators will vary depending on the type of the selected column. For example, the operators <, >, and = (among others) will be available for numeric columns, but object columns would have only the operator WITHIN.
The type of the Value control also varies depending on the column type. For object columns, this control will be a list box containing the values Current Mapper and Current Selection. For all other column types, this control will be an edit box, allowing the user to enter the proper type of data.
Numerical values are entered without any quotes. For example, for a numeric column, the user might select the operator >, and enter a value of 0. This would select only rows in which that column contained a value greater than 0.
There are two wildcard characters that can be used with the LIKE operator: '%' and '_'. The '%' wildcard character matches zero or more characters. The '_' wildcard character matches only one character.
Navigation Buttons
Click the Cancel button to abort the wizard.
Click the Next button to move to the next dialog box after completing this dialog box.
Click the Expert button to leave the wizard if you want to download a table by entering your own SQL query. If the Expert button is selected at this time, the selected filtered columns will be added to the default query presented.
The Finish button accepts the selected rows.