Refresh Oracle Workspace Table Dialog Box - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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Refreshing the table allows you to update your child Oracle Workspace with changes made in the parent workspace.

Current Workspace

This field contains the name of the current workspace, which contains the data you are going to refresh from the parent workspace. This field is read-only.

Parent Workspace

This field contains the name of the parent workspace from which the row data will be updated. This field is read-only.

Where Clause

To refresh the data from a specific column in the workspace, specify that column in this field.

Conflict Resolution

The next six options pertain to resolving conflicts with existing data. Conflicts result when you are trying to refresh data from a parent workspace to a child workspace that has multiple values for the same row. Remember, for each row in a workspace, the original value (the Base Value) and the most recent change to the row are maintained. When you refresh information to a row with two existing values, it is important to indicate which value should be maintained in the workspace.

Show Each Conflict

Click this button to display each conflict and resolve it individually.

Note: Due to the limitations in Oracle9i, the Show Each Conflict option is not enabled. This option is enabled for Oracle 10g and later.

Stop if any Conflicts Exist

Click this button to end the refresh process if conflicts are encountered.

Automatically Process Conflicts

Click this button to process all conflicts the same way according to the options below:

Use Value from Current Workspace

Click this button to maintain the most recent change in the child workspace and not update it with the data from the parent workspace.

Use Value from Parent Workspace

Click this button to update the child workspace with the value from the parent workspace.

Revert to Base Value

Click this button to revert to the original (Base) values in the parent workspace. In this case the base rows are copied to the child workspace but not to the parent workspace. The conflict is considered resolved because the child workspace and the parent workspace are in sync. When the child workspace is merged, the base rows are copied to the parent workspace too.

Note: Base values are ignored for insert-insert conflicts, that is, when you are merging new rows to the parent workspace that did not exist in the parent workspace before. When you know there may be insert-insert conflicts, select either Use Value from Current Workspace or Use Value from Parent Workspace instead of Revert to Base Value.

Navigation Buttons


Click OK to begin the refresh process.


Click Cancel to abandon the refresh process.

See Also: