Most Recently Used
Allows you to display districts in the order that you most recently used them.
Allows you to display districts alphabetically. The District's Browser is sorted and redisplayed when you click OK.
Allows you to randomly display districts.
Calculate Percentage
You can use these options to choose the percentage calculation method for partial quantity columns. Partial quantity columns might include population columns that indicate gender, race, ethnicity, age group, head of household status.
Column Total
Use this option to calculate the percentage of a partial column by dividing the column entry by the column with the total amount in it.
Expression for each Row
Use this option to calculate the percentage of a partial column by dividing the column entry by the sum of the other related partial column entries.
Show Grid Lines
Allows you to turn the grid lines on and off.
Save as Default
Allows you to save the display order as the default.