WMS Server
Select a WMS server from the drop-down list.
Server URL
Displays Internet address of the selected WMS server.
Servers button
Click this button to display the WFS/WMS/WMTS Servers List Dialog Box where you can view, add, edit, remove WMS servers, and set the default.
Details button
Click this button to display the WFS/WMS/WMTS Server Details Dialog Box where you can view information about a WMS server. The information is read-only. To make changes use the Servers button.
WMS Layers
Click this button to select the WMS layers to display.
Add button
Highlight a layer in the left pane and click Add to move them to the right pane that holds the layers you wish to display on your map.
Remove button
Highlight a layer in the right pane and click Remove to remove them from the layer list you are building.
Move Up/Down buttons
Highlight a layer in the right pane and click Move Up/Down as needed to re-order your list.
Displays the default style for the highlighted layer. If more than one layer is listed in the Add list (right pane), the Style box shows only styles that all the layers have in common.
Image Format
Choose a raster image format from the drop-down list. The choices vary depending on the server. MapInfo Pro supports the following formats: PNG, JPEG (JPG), TIFF (GeoTIFF and TIF) and GIF, in that order of priority. If more than one layer is in the right pane, only the formats the layers have in common will be available.
Image Background
Set the image background to transparent by checking the Transparent box. Set this when you wish to use the raster image as a layer above other layers. Set a background color by clicking the Color button to display the Color dialog box.
Coordinate Reference System Projection
The Coordinate Reference System Projections drop-down list displays all of the projections that the selected layers have in common. This list is disabled when the selected layers do not have any projections in common.
Important: If the Projections drop-down list is disabled, you cannot make a map request.
Table Filename
Specify a filename and location for the TAB file that will be created when you complete this dialog box and request a map. The TAB file is a pointer to an XML file that keeps track of the data you have selected for this map request. To retrieve the map again, open the TAB file like any other TAB file (assumes the server still maintains the data you specified).
Preferred View
MapInfo Pro displays your data in a window based on your selection. MapInfo Pro remembers your selection and uses it for every subsequent selection until you change it.
- Automatic - MapInfo Pro chooses the most appropriate view. If the data is mappable, such as when graphic objects are attached to the data, MapInfo Pro opens the table in a Map window. If you have a Map window displayed and the table you want to open is mappable, MapInfo Pro automatically opens the table in the current Map window. If the data is not mappable, MapInfo Pro will attempt to open the table in a Browser window. If the table cannot be mapped or browsed, MapInfo Pro opens the table using the No View option (no data is displayed).
- Browser - MapInfo Pro attempts to open the table in a Browser window.
- Current Mapper - MapInfo Pro attempts to add your data to the current Map window.
- New Mapper - MapInfo Pro attempts to open the table in a new Map window.
- No View - MapInfo Pro opens the table making the data available for other uses, but no data is displayed. You will see it in the Tables list in the Explorer window.
Navigation Buttons
Completes the operation and closes the dialog box.
Cancels the operation.
See Also: