Open DBMS Table Options Dialog Box - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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MapInfo TAB file location

Displays the name and path of the .TAB file that will be created. Enter a filename or click the Browse button to display the Save As dialog box and choose a filename. MapInfo Pro uses the last directory where you saved a DBMS .TAB when constructing the default filename full path. If this directory does not exist, then MapInfo Pro uses the Remote Tables preference directory. The filename part of the default path is based on the name of the selected DBMS table.

Browse button

Displays the Save As dialog box; choose a MapInfo .TAB file location. Initialized based on the text in the .TAB filename edit box.

Standard Mode

Use this mode to filter columns and rows using the corresponding buttons. When you switch from Expert-to Standard mode, the changes that you made to the SQL statement are lost. While in Expert mode you cannot go back to the table picker dialog box or use the column/row filtering dialog boxes.

Custom Filter

Displays the Column Picker dialog box.

Row Filter

Displays the Row Picker dialog box.

Expert Mode

Use this mode to edit an SQL statement. When you switch from Standard-to Expert mode, the current state of the column/row filtering is used to construct the SQL statement.

SQL View

Displays the Enter SQL Query dialog box.

Download Data (Linked Table)

When the Download Data (Linked Tables) button is selected, you have a linked table.

Live Access

Clearing the Download Data button provides Live Access Tables. MapInfo Pro will remember the last used settings and continue to use them until you change the settings.

Cache Check Box

This option enables after selecting the Live option.

Select to save the table to the local buffer and then read the table data from the buffer. Access time to data is faster but you are not working with the most current version. Refresh occurs when you zoom, pan, or select.

Unselect to read the table directly from the data source, which is the current version.

Auto Key

When Auto Key is selected, the Primary key field is uneditable and the Unique key is automatically incremented. When you add a new record to a remote Oracle table, MapInfo Pro locks the table, checks for the highest value of the Primary key of the table, increments it by one (1), and then puts that value in the Primary key field. SQL Server users do not require this feature as the server-side software manages the Primary key automatically.

Select Oracle Workspace Check Box

When this check box is selected, a list of existing Oracle workspaces displays.

Note: This check box is only visible when you have opened an Oracle connection and it only enables when you have selected a version-enabled Oracle table. We do not support table versioning for any other database.

New Tables


Select the default format to save files to.

When working with files that have more than 2GB of data or when they have more than 250 columns, select MapInfo Extended, which is the MapInfo Pro NativeX (*.tab) format. This format expands record and field lengths along with the number of fields per table, so that you can work with more data without using seamless tables. When you add more than 250 columns to a TAB file, MapInfo Pro automatically switches the save format to MapInfo Enhanced (NativeX).


Select the default character set, such as UTF-8 or UTF-16, to apply to tables that MapInfo Pro saves or updates. The default character set used is dependent on the format of the table, either the system character set for MapInfo TAB files or the Charset preference for MapInfo Extended TAB files.

Navigation Buttons

Back button

Takes you back to the to the Open Table dialog box, where the same connection/owner/table should be selected.

Cancel button

Cancels you out of the entire Open Table process.

OK button

Initiates the opening of the selected DBMS table