New Map Dialog Box - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

Product type
Product family
MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
First publish date

Map tables

The Map Table dialog box allows you to choose the tables that make up the layers for your map. In the left column, the list of open, available layers displays. To create a new map from these open layers, move the layers from the Available Layers column to the Layers to include in Map column. There are several ways to do this:

  • Double-click a layer in the Available Layers list on the left to move it into the Layers to include in Map list on the right
  • Click one or more layers in the Available Layers list on the left and click to move them into the Layers to include in the Layers to include in Map list on the right. Use the Shift and Control keys to select multiple files.

If you include a layer (or layers) by mistake, select the layer(s) in the Layers to include list and click to return them to the Available Layers list. When you return a layer to the Available Layers list, the layer returns to its original position in the list.

To move the layers up and down in the Layers to include list, select the layer you want to move and position it in the list using the Up and Down buttons.

When the Layers to include list contains the layers you want in the right order, click OK to display the new map.

You can also add layers to the map. On the MAP tab, in the Content group, click Add Layers.

Click and to move all of the entries in one list to the other.

MapInfo Pro draws the layers into the map from the bottom to the top based on the order in the Layers to include list. Layer your tables in this list, so they display in the proper order.

Tip: Do not place a table containing regions (such as states or counties) over a table containing only points (such as towns or cities) or lines (streets and roads). The regions would then hide the points and lines.

See Also: