TAB file location
Displays the name and path of the .TAB file that will be created. You can manually type a filename or use the Save As dialog box (via Browse button) to choose a filename. MapInfo Pro uses the last directory where you saved a DBMS .TAB when constructing the default filename full path. If this directory does not exist, then the Remote Tables preference directory is used. The filename part of the default path is based on the name of the specified DBMS table name.
Displays the Save As dialog box so the user can choose a .TAB filename. Initialized with the text in the .TAB filename edit box.
Primary Key Column
Lets you specify a key column for the new table. Without a key column a DBMS table cannot be open as live access and can only be opened read only as Linked.
If the Primary Key Column check box is selected, then the corresponding combo box is enabled. You can either choose a column that was specified in the New Table Structure dialog box or specify a new column by typing into the combo box's edit control.
By default the Primary Key Column check box is selected and a new column is specified. The default name of the new column depends on the DBMS connection: MI_PRINX for Oracle Spatial, SW_MEMBER for all others.
Download Data (Linked Table)
Select to establish a linked connection to this table.
Live Access
Select to access this table with a live connection.
Select to save the table to the local buffer and then read the table data from the buffer. Access time to data is faster but you are not working with the most current version. Refresh occurs when you zoom, pan, or select. Unselect to read the table directly from the data source, which is the current version.
The Cache check box enables after selecting the Live Access option.
Navigation Buttons
Confirms the general, spatial and style tabs for the new DBMS table.
Cancels the selections you have made in the general, spatial and style tabs for the new DBMS table.
See also: