Map Print Options Dialog Box - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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Window Size

When you choose Window Size, your printed map is the same size as the window on the screen. This size displays in the two text boxes associated with the Custom size option.

Fit To Page

When you choose Fit To Page, the map takes up the full printed page, even though the window may be much smaller than the page. This size displays in the two text boxes associated with the Custom size option.


When you choose Custom, you can set the size you want the map printed.

Map Contents

Allows you to print a map that contains areas not visible in the window.

Same as Window

A map that is the same as the window has the same content and proportions as the window.

Centered on Window

A map that is centered on the window may print beyond the extents of the window, depending on how you set its size, scale, and margins.

Custom Map Scale

Specify a custom scale. For example, one inch on the output page equals 100 miles. To change the scale (paper units), on the PRO tab, click Options, and System Settings to access the System Settings Preferences dialog box.

Custom Cartographic Scale

Specify a custom cartographic scale. The value in this field is synchronized with the size of the map and any change made to the map scale.

Custom Width

Specify the desired width of the printed map.


Specify the desired height of the printed map.

When you specify a size smaller than one page, the map is centered on the page.

Custom gives the size of the printed image (width and height) in inches. You can specify a size larger than one page, and your map is automatically printed on as many pages as necessary.

Note: When you want to print a map legend, you must place your map and its legend into a layout. Then, you can print the layout.