To display this dialog box, on the PRO tab, select Options and then click Map Window.
Warn Prior to Loss of:
To prevent loss of cosmetic objects, automatic map labels, and thematic layers, you can have a dialog box displayed that prompts you to save your changes to a workspace or table before you close a window and/or table.
Cosmetic Objects
Select this check box to display a dialog box that allows you to save cosmetic objects to a table. Clear the check box to turn the dialog box display off.
Map Labels
Select to display a dialog box that allows you to save automatic labels to a workspace. Clear to turn the dialog box display off.
Thematic Layers
Select to display a dialog box that allows you to save thematic layers to a workspace. Clear to turn the dialog box display off.
Move Duplicate Nodes in
Specifies whether MapInfo Pro looks for duplicate nodes when you are moving a given node (through Reshape). The nodes of various objects in a map are often adjacent to one another; for example, streets and boundaries often have a common border.
None of the Layers
MapInfo Pro does not look for duplicate nodes when you are moving a node.
the Same Layer
MapInfo Pro moves connected nodes in the same layer when one of them is moved. For example, if you have adjoining school districts and you adjust one boundary by moving a node, the other boundary (or boundaries) touching that node moves as well.]
Digitizing Options
Display Snap Radius
Select this option to display the radius of the Snap crosshairs when you turn this option on. Clear this option to prevent the snap radius from displaying.
Snap Tolerance
Use the Snap Tolerance to specify the default tolerance in pixels within which Snap to node operates when you are drawing objects. (click the S key to turn Snap to node on). The default is 5 pixels.
- Type in a smaller value to obtain a tighter snap tolerance so that you do not snap to other objects' nodes as you draw.
- Type in a larger value to obtain a looser snap tolerance when you want to snap to a node even though you are relatively far away from it.
AutoNode Tolerance (in Pixels)
If you leave the default entry (10) in this box, this means that while this feature is active and you are tracing a line, MapInfo Pro will drop a node every 10 pixels automatically. You can change this number to suit your needs.
Find Selection Options
When you perform a Find on a selection in the current Map window or in all Map windows, you have options about the map display behavior. (The Find command is located in the Selection group.)
Zoom on Find Selection
Select this check box to zoom to the selection results.
Find Selection after Paste
Select this check box to zoom to the selection after pasting. Leave this box unselected to paste without performing the zoom.