The options you see in this dialog depend on where in MapInfo Pro this dialog was opened from.
Display Mode
Style Override
To override the default style of a layer, select the Style Override check box.
Style buttons
One or more buttons display, depending on what is in the layer. For example, if a layer contains points and lines, there will be two buttons, allowing you to set Symbol Style and Line Style. Click the button to display the appropriate style dialog box.
Use Stacked Styles
To display the Stacked Line/Symbol/Region Style Dialog Box, check the Use Stacked Styles box. Add styles so that they become a list of styles drawn on top of each other, to create a more complex or interesting looking map feature.
Enhanced Rendering
Use the Translucency slide bar to adjust the translucency for the image. Translucency can be set between 0-100%. An image with 0% translucency is completely opaque (or cannot be seen through). An image with 100% translucency is completely transparent (or completely invisible).
Zoom Layering
Display within zoom range
Check to activate zoom layering.
Min Zoom
The minimum distance at which a layer is visible.
Max Zoom
The maximum distance at which a layer is visible.
You can set the layer zoom range that determines which layers in your Map window are displayed at any one time. Zoom Layering allows you to set the minimum and maximum distances at which a layer is visible. This is particularly useful if you have an open table of street-level data for an entire state. It is not effective to see this map with all local streets displayed. Set the zoom layer to display the streets only when the map zoom level is within a particular range.
For instance, if you want your streets to be visible only when you are zoomed in closer than three miles, set the minimum zoom to 0 and the maximum zoom to 3.
Other Settings
Show Line Direction
To show the direction of line objects, select the Show Line Direction check box. This is particularly helpful on a street layer when you need to determine which side of the street is the FromLeft, ToLeft and FromRight, ToRight for proper addressing.
Show Nodes
Select the Show Nodes check box if you plan to edit objects in a layer and need to see the object's nodes.
Show Centroids
To show the centroid of an object, select the Show Centroids check box.
Styles for New Objects button
Click to display the Insert Style dialog box which allows you to define a table-based style that can be used to add new features to an editable layer. The style information is saved as metadata in the table record and so persists beyond the session. If the layer you selected contains a region style, the Region Style button displays; if the layer you selected contains a line style, the Line Style button displays; if the layer you selected contains a symbol style the Symbol Style button displays. Depending upon the layer, more than one button may display.
This area shows a preview of what your changes will look like on the map. This helps you finalize your settings before committing them to the map when you click OK.
Layer Filter
Click on Expression to set the layer filter expression using the Expression builder dialog. Verify the expression and click OK. You can turn the expression filter On or Off as required.You can open the filtered Browser window using the Browse Table command from the Layer context menu. The header of the filtered Browser window will show a small filter icon next to the Browser Icon, to distinguish it from a normal table browser.
Navigation Buttons
Accepts dialog box options.
Cancels dialog box options.
Click to see what the map looks like with the new style. You can cancel the preview if you do not like what you see by clicking Cancel, or apply the modifications by clicking OK.