Layer Control Options Dialog Box - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

Product type
Product family
MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
First publish date

To display this dialog box, on the PRO tab, select Options and then click Layers.

The Layers window displays the list of layers in the open Map window or in all Map windows depending on what your Layer Control options are set to. It indicates whether each layer displays, is editable, selectable, or zoom layered. Layers include data tables, thematic maps and the Cosmetic layer. Layers are stacked in a Map window. The order of layers in the Layers window is the order of the layers in the Map window. For instance, when boundary layers are placed below point layers, the points remain visible. The Cosmetic layer is always the topmost layer. When there are more layers than can be displayed in the dialog box at one time, a scroll bar appears on the right.

Maps to show in list

List all maps

This displays all layers for all maps in the Layers window.

List only the active map

This displays only the layers for the active map in the Layers window. Inactive map layers do not display.

Collapse list to save space

The Layers window lists all the layers in all the maps in the workspace. The list is automatically expanded or collapsed as you switch from Map window to Map window, so that only the active Map window is expanded.

Other Settings

Confirm removal of layers

Check to enable a confirmation prompt that displays when deleting a layer from the Layers window list.

Show ToolTips when cursor is over layer list

Check to display table names, .TAB file paths, and zoom range information in ToolTips as you move the cursor over the layer list.

Show icons for styles and layer types

Check to show the layer type icons in the layer list. These are the icons that Indicate the types of items in the layer, such as points, lines, regions, theme range, or raster images.

Show Friendly Names

Check to enable assigning a friendly name to a layer on the Layers and Explorer windows. By default, this is enabled. This option does not affect titles on existing legends, and does not affect friendly names persistence in workspaces.

Map legend titles default to the friendly names (friendly names also display in the Create Legend – Choose layers dialog). For thematic legends this does not happen when the title is updated during theme creation (or when Title AUTO is set in the MapBasic Set Legend statement).

Use Description Field for Friendly Name

Check to enable specifying a default friendly name to any TAB file by utilizing the TAB file's Description field, which is part of the Tab file's Definition section.

Once turned on, you can edit a TAB file in a text editor and add a layer name to the Description field, such as Description "Lakes and Waterways".