This dialog box is part of Safe Software's Feature Manipulation Engine (FME). It is not available with FME Base Edition.
Database Connection
- Geodatabase - The geodatabase file from which the data is to be read.
- Table List - Click the Browse button to select tables for export. You may only select this after you have completely specified the database connection.
After you click the Browse button, a search window appears while the system compiles a table list from the database. Once the table list appears, you can select one or more tables, and then click the OK button to dismiss the window. The table name(s) will appear in the table list field in the Reader Parameters box.
- WHERE Clause - Enter any SQL where clause that constrains the attributes of the layers selected in the layer list (for example, NUMLANES=2).
- Spatial Data Only - Used for translating spatial data only. When this box is checked, non-spatial tables, relationships, domains, and subtypes will not be translated. If this directive is specified when generating a workspace or mapping file, then no schemas will be returned for non-spatial tables.
- Resolve Domains - Specifies whether or not to resolve the domain code found in feature classes and tables into the domain value.
This means that when an attribute of a feature has a coded value domain associated with it, another attribute will also be added that represents the textual description of the coded attribute. The new attribute will be <attribute-name>_resolved, where <attribute-name> is the name of the attribute containing the code. This attribute will only be added when <attribute-name> contains a non-NULL value.
- Resolve Subtypes - Specifies whether or not to resolve the subtype field values found on feature classes and tables into the name of the actual subtype.
- Ignore Network Info - Specifies whether to read the network portion of network features. When checked, junctions will be read as points (geodb_point) and edges will be read as lines (geodb_polyline). Additionally, none of the network related attribution will be supplied on the features. Checking this option speeds up reading of network features significantly.
- Ignore Relationship Info - Determines whether to read relationship features present in a source dataset. When this parameter is checked, feature types containing simple relationships will be ignored, and feature types containing attributed relationships will be treated as non-spatial tables. When this parameter is unchecked, relationships will be read normally as either simple or attributed. The speed of reading features is vastly improved if relationships are ignored.
- Split Complex Edges - Determines whether complex edge features should be split. When split, complex edge features are read at the element level rather than the feature level. The element level represents the logical view of the geometric network. As a result, no network connectivity information is lost.
For information on the attributes that each FME feature stores when this option is checked, please see the ESRI
. - Split Multi Part Annotations - Specifies whether or not to split multi-part annotations into separate features for each 'element' when reading. If this parameter is checked, a single feature for each element (usually a word) in a multi-part annotation will be produced on reading, resulting in feature-specific attributes such as angle and text position being stored according to the location of each element. If this parameter is unchecked, multi-part annotations will be read normally, as a single feature storing a single set of attributes describing the positioning of the text.
Schema Attributes
- Additional Attributes to Expose - This parameter exposes Format Attributes in Workbench when you create a workspace:
- In a dynamic scenario, it means these attributes can be passed to the output dataset at runtime.
- In a non-dynamic scenario where you have multiple feature types, it is convenient to expose additional attributes from one parameter. For example, if you have ten feature types and want to expose the same attribute in each one, it is easier to define it once than it is to set each feature type individually in the workspace.
Search Envelope
- Use Search Envelope - Using the minimum and maximum x and y parameters, define a bounding box that will be used to filter the input features. Only features that interact with the bounding box are returned.
If all four coordinates of the search envelope are specified as 0, the search envelope will be disabled.
- Clip to Search Envelope - Check this box if you want to remove any portions of exported features outside the area of interest.
Defaults button
Click to save or reset default settings.
- Save as My Defaults - Edit a field, and then choose this option to save the parameter.
- Reset to FME Defaults - Changes the fields back to the standard (FME) defaults.
- Reset to My Defaults - If you manually edit a field, you can reset it back to your own defaults. Note that you cannot restore your own defaults after resetting to FME defaults.
Closes the dialog box and applies your settings.