Input Settings for ESRI ArcInfo Export (E00) Dialog Box (FME) - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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This dialog box is part of Safe Software's Feature Manipulation Engine (FME).

Feature Assembly Mode

  • Attach Attributes and Build Polygons - Switches E00 reader between "raw" and "normal" modes. Normally the various bits and pieces of ArcInfo coverages (E00, binary, or PC binary) are combined together to make wholly formed features, complete with attributes and resolved topology, but there are very rare special cases where it is useful to consider the pieces of the features as separate entities. This is mostly designed for performing ArcInfo-to-ArcInfo translations, where some simple manipulation of the feature's coordinates is being performed along the way.

Text Curves

Defines how the E00 reader handles text elements that follow a splined curve in ArcInfo. In the past, the FME has simply drawn a straight line from the first point of the curve to the last point, and placed the text along that line. These selections allow you to change the FME's interpretation of curved text features.

  • Follow - Spaces the characters along the original curve, and generates a separate character for each (non-whitespace) character of the text (this is the default).
  • Fit - Tells FME to evenly space out the characters of the text along the curve, so that the left edge of the first character is on the first point of the curve, and the right edge of the last character is on the last point.
  • Ignore - Reverts FME to its traditional behavior.

Optional Feature Types

  • Extract Bounds - ArcInfo coverages typically include an info file named BND, which defines the extents of the coverage. FME will normally ignore the contents of this file. If Extract Bounds is checked, FME will create a single feature representing the coverage extent information.
  • Extract Tics - ArcInfo coverages typically include an info file named TIC, which defines the tic points for the coverage. FME will normally ignore the contents of this file. If Extract Tics is checked, FME will create a feature for each TIC point.
  • Generate node features - Traditionally the ArcInfo reader reads the NAT table and outputs the NODE attributes as a plain set of attributes. If this box is checked, the endpoints of the ARC features are turned into NODE features, which are then joined with the NAT table attributes to provide fully formed point features.

Schema Attributes

  • Additional Attributes to Expose - This parameter exposes Format Attributes in Workbench when you create a workspace:
    • In a dynamic scenario, it means these attributes can be passed to the output dataset at runtime.
    • In a non-dynamic scenario where you have multiple feature types, it is convenient to expose additional attributes from one parameter. For example, if you have ten feature types and want to expose the same attribute in each one, it is easier to define it once than it is to set each feature type individually in the workspace.

Search Envelope

  • Use Search Envelope - Using the minimum and maximum x and y parameters, define a bounding box that will be used to filter the input features. Only features that interact with the bounding box are returned.

    If all four coordinates of the search envelope are specified as 0, the search envelope will be disabled.

  • Clip to Search Envelope - Check this box if you want to remove any portions of exported features outside the area of interest.

Defaults button

Click to save or reset default settings.

  • Save as My Defaults - Edit a field, and then choose this option to save the parameter.
  • Reset to FME Defaults - Changes the fields back to the standard (FME) defaults.
  • Reset to My Defaults - If you manually edit a field, you can reset it back to your own defaults. Note that you cannot restore your own defaults after resetting to FME defaults.


Closes the dialog box and applies your settings.