This dialog box is part of Safe Software's Feature Manipulation Engine (FME).
Group Elements By
Specifies the overall structure of the schema and data for DGN file reading.
- Level - The schema will be generated using level numbers in the source dataset as FME feature types.
- Level Names -The schema will be generated using level names in the source dataset as FME feature types.
- Geometry - The schema will be generated using all the possible Design geometry types as FME feature types. This list is set by the reader capability and is not limited to geometries which occur in the given source dataset.
- Schema - Level Names - The schema will be generated using both the names and elements in the source dataset. The level names will be used to create FME feature types as in the Group by Level Names selection; however, the attributes of all the elements belonging to a level will be accumulated and also added to the FME feature type for that level.
- Schema - Level Numbers - The schema will be generated using both the level numbers and elements in the source dataset. The level numbers will be used to create FME feature types as in the Group by Level selection; however, the attributes of all the elements belonging to a level will be accumulated and also added to the FME feature type for that level.
Element Expansion
- Expand Named Cells - Check this box if you want the cells expanded into separate features.
- Preserve Named Cell Insert Points - When checked, outputs the insertion point of the named cell.
- Expand Unnamed (Group Hole) Cells - When checked, unnamed cells are output, but the cell header itself is not output. In this case, donut polygons will not be formed from member shape elements. All member elements will retain their original colors. If it is not checked, then the cell is not exploded into its components and only the cell header is output. Donut polygons may be formed if multiple intersecting polygons existed.
- Preserve Unnamed Cell Insert Points - When checked, outputs the insertion point of the unnamed cell.
- Split Multi Text - When selected, splits the multi text into text nodes and outputs the member text elements as individual text elements.
- Output Tags as Text - Check to display tags. Elements in a design file may have user-defined attributes attached to them. Such attributes are called tags, and these may be read (but not written) by FME. In addition, to supply a value for a user-defined attribute, tags may also be displayed as text in the original design file.
When reading a design file, FME first scans for all the tag data elements and tag set definition elements. Then as it reads each graphical element from the design file, it uses the element association ID to reconnect the data and attribute names with the graphical element. All the tag data values are then added to the feature returned into FME.
- Drop Dimensions - Controls the way the dimensions are imported. When it is checked (default), the dimensions are exploded into its pieces; when it is not checked, it is imported as an aggregate. When dimensions are imported as aggregates, the arcs are stroked and text features are output as list attributes only. For example, if you are performing a DGN-to-DGN translation with the option unchecked, the text features will be lost.
- Drop Complex Chains/Shapes - Check this box if you want each component of a complex chain to be returned as its own feature and no feature will be returned for the complex chain as a whole. Otherwise all elements of the complex chain will be merged into a single linear feature, any arcs in the complex chain will be converted into linestrings and any linkages on the component elements themselves will be lost.
Read Reference Files
- Read Reference Files - Reads all the external reference files attached to the source dataset. If the reference file has nested references, then they will also be imported.
- Use Reference's Parent Model - Uses the model of the parent file of the xref file. Applicable to V8 only (since models are supported in V8 but not in V7).
- Read Reference up to First Level - Reads only the first level of the external reference files attached to the source dataset.
Linkage Extraction
Linkage Extraction boxes allows you to extract MSLinks and/or FRAMME attribute linkage values from the Source Design File. Only the first three linkage values will be extracted.
- MSLinks - These linkage values can be used to join the graphical data held in the design file to the MSLINK field in the related database table. The entity number that is extracted is used to determine the relevant table that holds the attributes (the database contains a table called MSCATALOG which maps entity numbers to table names).
- FRAMME - The UFID is extracted together with the basename of the design file. These two items form a compound key that can be joined to the related FRAMME database.
Coordinate Units
Specify the coordinate units of the features.
- Master - The UORs read from the Design file are converted into master units, according to the conversion factor read from the Design file header, before being stored in an FME feature.
- Sub - The UORs read from the Design file are converted into subunits, according to the conversion factor read from the Design file header, before being stored in an FME feature.
- UOR - The UORs read from the Design file are stored directly in an FME feature with no conversion.
Override Global Origin
- Override Global Origin - You can overwrite the global origin values by setting the values of X and Y. Setting these values overwrites the global origin as read from the .dgn file.
- X - The global origin of X measured in UORs.
- Y - The global origin of Y measured in UORs.
World File Transformation
- Apply World File (.wld) - Use this setting when you have an Esri World file (*.wld) that you want FME to use when determining the coordinates for features in your dataset. When this parameter is checked, FME will search the directory of the dataset for a file with the same name as your dataset but with a .wld extension. If it cannot find a file with that name, it will then look for the file "esri_cad.wld" within the dataset directory. If either of those files exists, then FME will use the information in the files to translate the coordinates. If the files cannot be found, then the translation will continue, using the coordinate information found in the dataset, without performing any additional transformation.
Defaults button
Click to save or reset default settings.
- Save as My Defaults - Edit a field, and then choose this option to save the parameter.
- Reset to FME Defaults - Changes the fields back to the standard (FME) defaults.
- Reset to My Defaults - If you manually edit a field, you can reset it back to your own defaults. Note that you cannot restore your own defaults after resetting to FME defaults.
Closes the dialog box and applies your settings.