Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) interpolation uses a distance weighted average of data points to calculate grid cell values.
Cell Size
Define the width and height of a grid cell in distance units. Since Grid cells are square both width and height are specified with one value. When you change the cell size, the Grid Dimensions static text control updates to reflect the new dimensions.
Grid Dimensions
Static text control displaying grid dimensions in cells.
Defines the exponential influence of nearby data points on the value calculated for each grid cell. Increasing the exponent decreases the influence of data points the further they are from a grid cell.
Search Radius
Defines the maximum distance in grid cells between a grid cell and its neighboring data points. The distance determines if these points are considered in the distance weighing average.
Grid Border
Defines the number of cells beyond the source table's bounding rectangle by which to expand the grid.
Aggregate Coincident Points by
Choose how to aggregate the z-values of source data points that occupy the same grid cell. The values can be counted, averaged, summed, or the minimum or maximum can be taken.
Navigation Buttons
Applies the settings you chose.
Discards any settings.