Google Earth KML Parameters Dialog Box (FME) - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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Verbose Logging

This is a drop-down list with Yes/No values.

Read Overlays as Rasters

Specifies whether the images files referenced by Overlay elements should be read as raster geometry.

  • If set to All, all GroundOverlay, PhotoOverlay, and ScreenOverlay images will be read as raster geometry.
  • If set to GroundOverlay, then only GroundOverlay images will be read.

    Scan Schema

    Specifies whether or not the reader should scan the KML files for schema elements.

    If this box is not checked, KML elements will be read using the fixed schema. KML datasets using the KML 2.1 schema may not be read properly unless this option is checked.

    Fail on Network Errors

    Specifies whether or not the reader should terminate the translation if a network error occurs.

    Delete Downloaded Files

    Specifies whether or not the reader should delete temporary files downloaded as part of the reading process.

    Traverse NetworkLinks

    Specifies whether or not NetworkLink or schemaUrl references to external KML files should be traversed (i.e. to read the referenced document).

    If Local is specified, then references will only be traversed if they refer to a file on the local filesystem.

    Maximum NetworkLinks Traversal Depth

    Specifies the maximum depth of the traversal tree.

    The traversal depth is the number of links that must be traversed to get from the original file to the root file. For example, if the dataset root refers to DocB, which refers to DocC, the traversal depth is 2.

    Additional Attributes to Expose

    Opening up this option allows the user to choose which format attributes to add to the feature schema.

    e.g., if name is specified in the KML file then choose kml_name from the drop down and set automatic labeling on the KML layer.

    User will see that labels in the open KML file

Bounding Box

Query Bounding Box Min X, Max X, Min Y, Max Y

These 4 parameters specify the bounding box that will be used to specify the BBOX passed to web services that provide KML data.

Note: By default, no bounding box is provided and the web service will provide all data provided.


Proxy Url

Specifies the URL of a proxy server that will be used for all href traversal.

Proxy Port

Specifies the port number for the proxy server. Not valid if Proxy URL is not supported.

Proxy User Name

Specifies the user name to use to login to the proxy server. Not valid if Proxy URL is not supported.

Proxy Password

Specifies the password to use to login to the proxy server. Not valid if Proxy URL is not supported.

Proxy Authentication Method

Specifies the authentication method to use to login to the proxy server. Not valid if Proxy URL and Proxy User Name are not supported.

Note: This dialog box is part of Safe Software's Feature Manipulation Engine (FME).