Geocode Properties Dialog Box (Input Tab) - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo Pro Help
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Use this dialog box to specify the input options for the web services geocoding you are about to perform. The Address column entry is required for street level geocoding; the Postal Code column entry is required for postal centroid level geocoding; and for geographic centroid geocoding, you need City/Town and State/Province column entries. You can also use the City/Town Subdivision and the Country Secondary Subdivision if you have selected the Allow Advanced Address check box. You can also use the data options available in the Advanced Output tab for geographic centroid geocoding.

Review the data that displays in each drop-down list you want to use in geocoding and choose the input options using these definitions:

Input Table Name

Name of the table you are geocoding (from the Geocoding Using Service dialog box). This file must be open to be geocoded.

Allow Advanced Address

Select this check box to enable the City/Town Subdivision and Country Secondary Subdivision drop-down column selections.


This field contains the street address column name.

Address 2

This field contains the secondary street address column name for building number, apartment number-type information.

City/Town Name

This field contains the town or city column name to be geocoded.

City/Town Subdivision

This field contains a subdivision of the city. This is used in the U.S. for Puerto Rican urbanization areas.

Country Secondary Subdivision

This field contains the column name of subdivision of a country; in the U.S. the country division is a county.


This field contains the column name for the country's states or provinces.

Postal Code

This field contains the column name for the unique identifier for postal mailing zones. In the U.S. it is a 5-digit ZIP Code.

Secondary Postal Code

This field contains the column name for the additional postal zone identifier. In the U.S. it is a 4-digit extension to the 5-digit ZIP Code.


This field contains the column name for the country.

Save Settings to Input Table Metadata

Select this option to save the settings you have selected in this dialog box to the input table you are geocoding. If you select this check box, when you geocode this table again, MapInfo Pro "remembers" these settings.