Geocode Options Dialog Box - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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Display additional column

When geocoding in Interactive mode, it is often useful to view information other than the address being geocoded. You might, for example, want to see the company name while geocoding. You can choose a column to view by choosing one from the Display additional column drop-down list.

Put Result Code in Column

When MapInfo Pro geocodes, it generates a code for each record. Use this code to diagnose failures and to see what options MapInfo Pro used to obtain matches. You can designate a column where MapInfo Pro should place this code. This column should be a numeric field. You can then examine the codes and formulate a strategy for further geocoding.

Skip records that already failed to geocode

When you are geocoding in interactive mode and have a lot of records, you may not be able to complete the job in a single session. When you come back in later sessions, you do not want to retry records that have failed. Select this check box so that MapInfo Pro skips those records. This option is available only when you use a result code column. MapInfo Pro automatically skips records that have already been geocoded.

Offset Address Location

Back from street

Specify a distance and distance unit indicating how far back from the street to offset the address. Select the distance unit from the drop-down list. The offset can range in whole numbers from 0 to 32,767.

Inset Address Location

Specify how far from the ends of the street to inset an address either as a percentage of the line or polyline on which the address is being interpolated or a designated distance.

Percent from ends of street

Specify how far from the ends of the street as a percentage of the street. Percentage can range in whole numbers from 0 to 50.

From ends of street

Specify a distance and distance unit from the ends of the street. Distance can range in whole numbers from 0 to 32,767.

MapInfo Pro saves the inset and offset settings specified the last time you used the Find and Geocode commands (located on the TABLE tab, in the Selection group, and located on the SPATIAL tab, in the Create group) or executed a Find Using statement. Thus, the last specified inset/ offset options becomes the default settings for the next time.

When an exact match cannot be found

Try substitutions from MAPINFO.ABB

When this option is selected (checked), MapInfo Pro makes substitutions from the abbreviation file. You can make several kinds of additions to this file to deal with various kinds of geocoding problems.

Use the Closest address number

When you choose this option, MapInfo Pro matches an address number to the nearest address range in those cases where there is no range for the address, either because the address falls in a gap or beyond the range ends.

Use a match found in a different boundary

When you geocode, you have the option of selecting a boundary to use in refining the geocoding. MapInfo Pro searches for a street name and address name first. Then it finds out what boundary the address is in. When it is in only one but not the one, you chose in the Refine option, MapInfo Pro geocodes to that boundary. When it is in more than one boundary, but none of them are the ones you selected, MapInfo Pro does not geocode the record.