Explorer window - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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The Explorer window shows several lists of information about what is open in MapInfo Pro. Use the Explorer window as your single location for accessing all of the tables that you are working with and viewing on maps.

To open the Explorer window, on the HOME tab, in the Windows group, click Tool Windows, and click Explorer from the list.

Show Maps

A list of layers in each Map window. The Maps section of the Explorer window is very similar to the Layers window. For a description of the layer options, see Layers Window.

Show Tables

A list of open tables. This includes tables that are open in Browser and Map windows. Double-clicking on a table name opens the Modify Table Structure dialog box. Right-clicking on a table name, opens the Browser window context menu.

Show Windows

A list of open windows, such as Browser, Map, and tool windows. Double-clicking on a window in the list makes it active in MapInfo Pro. This list includes hidden windows, which you can double-click to see again. (For information on hiding a window, see Window Context Menu.)

Show Connections

A list of database connections. These are the connections that you opened on the HOME tab, in the File group, by clicking Open, and Database Table. Double-clicking on a connection in the list opens the Open DBMS Connection dialog box.

Remember Section Heights

Remembers the height of each section (Maps, Tables, Windows, and Connections).