Enable Table Versioning Dialog Box - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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Using the Enable Table Versioning dialog box, you can establish the version rules for an Oracle table. Tables must have a primary key to enable versioning; if the table you select does not, it cannot be version-enabled. To use a table within Oracle workspaces, you must enable it first.

Use the Enable Table Versioning dialog box to select a table(s) for which to enable versioning. Once a table is version-enabled, it can be used within one or more workspaces.

Select table(s)

Use this list to identify the table or tables you want to version-enable. Remember that tables you select must have a primary key to be version-enabled. If you select a table that has no primary key, an error results.

History Options

Use this drop-down list to select the history options for the version-enabled tables you are creating. Options include With Overwrite and Without Overwrite.

The With Overwrite option shows only the most recent modifications to the same version of the table and does not maintain a history of modifications to the version. Subsequent changes to a row in the same version overwrite earlier changes.

The Without Overwrite option shows all modifications to the same version of the table and maintains a history of modifications to the version. Subsequent changes to a row in the same version do not overwrite earlier changes.

See Also: