Using the Disable Table Versioning dialog box, you can select an Oracle table or tables to disable versioning for.
Keep in mind that these options are only available to Oracle9i tables or later.
Only the owner of a table or a user with the WM_ADMIN role can enable or disable versioning on a table. Tables that are version-enabled and users that own version-enabled tables cannot be deleted. You must first disable versioning on the relevant table or tables. Tables owned by SYS cannot be version-enabled. Refer to Oracle9i's Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager for more information.
Select table(s)
Use this list to identify the table or tables you want to version-disable.
Force disabling
Use this check box to determine whether workspaces containing the table that is being disabled are discarded.
- Select the Force disabling check box to ensure that all data in workspaces other than LIVE are discarded before versioning is disabled.
- Clear the Force disabling check box to prevent version-disabling if the server table was changed in any workspace other than LIVE and if the workspace that modified the server table still exists.
See Also: