Affects All Layers
Overwrite Existing Tables
When checked, newly created tables can overwrite existing tables without a warning message. This feature is convenient for importing a DXF file into a large number of MapInfo Pro tables.
Use File Name As Prefix
When checked, several first characters from the DXF file name are used as first characters in the table name. The number of characters is specified by the drop-down menu to the right.
DXF Layer Name
Displays a list of all selected layers and suggested names for corresponding tables. Only one layer can be selected at a time. Name of the table for the layer 0 is derived from up to 7 first characters of the DXF file name and a 0 appended at the end. Suggested names of all tables coincide with the up to 8 first characters of the DXF layer name. More than one layer can be imported into the same table.
Preserve blocks as multi-polygon regions
Applies only to the currently selected layer. When this box is checked, blocks of this type produce a single MapInfo Pro object out of all the polygons in the block. When the box is not checked, multiple objects are produced.
Blocks can contain multiple objects, including multiple polygons. A block for New York State might contain 2 polygons: one for the mainland, and one for Long Island.
Preserve attribute data
Applies only to individual layers. When checked, tabular information from DXF attributes is read into the table.
Change Table Name
Opens the Import Into Table dialog box for the name of a table to import to a selected a layer.