Preserve Multi-Polygon Regions As Blocks
Choosing this box creates a block for every region in your map that contains multi-polygons.
Preserve Attribute Data
Choosing this box exports tabular information into your database in the form of DXF attributes.
ASCII or Binary DXF File
Define the format of the output file. ASCII is the default. Binary files are processed much faster.
Number of Decimal Places
Define the number of decimal places when exporting floating point numbers into an ASCII file. This button is disabled for binary files. Acceptable values for this parameter can be between 0 and 16. The default value is 6.
Set Transformation
Choose this button to specify a custom coordinate transformation. If you set a coordinate transformation, the coordinates in your DXF file is the same as the native projection for the map (for example, longitude-latitude, Lambert Equal Area, any of the State Plane systems, or any other MapInfo Pro projection).