Auto Spread
Choose the style attribute you want to vary. MapInfo Pro spreads the attribute across the ranges. The spread in the ranges displays in the style buttons, where each button represents a range. For the settings that you are not varying, MapInfo Pro uses the same styles in each style button.
Choose Color to spread color attributes.
Choose Size to spread size attributes. This radio button displays only when you are working with a map that contains point or line objects.
Choose None to disable auto spreading.
The number of buttons in the Styles box is the same as the number of ranges with which you are working. The top and bottom range intervals are indicated in the box. Clicking on an inner style button sets AutoSpread to none and allows you to customize any or all style attributes for any of the ranges. Choosing the style for All Other Range does not disable AutoSpread.
Style Buttons
Displays the style attributes for each of the ranges. The style buttons are arranged the same way the range intervals display in the legend. To change the style attributes of a range, click on a style button to display the Region Style dialog box.
All Others Style Button
Displays the style attributes for the All Others range.
Replace Layer Style
Use this check box to control whether or not to draw layers under the theme. If this check box is selected, the layer(s) under the theme are not drawn. If this check box is cleared, the layer(s) under the theme are drawn, which enables multi-variable theme support. This option is available for Ranged and Individual Value thematic maps only. The default behavior for this check box is set by Draw Layers Under Themes check box in the Map Window Preferences dialog box. See Setting the Default Behavior of the Replace Layer Style Check Box for these details.
Cancels customization and displays the Create Thematic Map - Step 3 of 3 Dialog Box.
MapInfo Pro customizes your map according to your specifications and returns you to the Create Thematic Map - Step 3 of 3 Dialog Box.
The dialog box expands, displaying advanced customizing features.
Auto Spread Style by
Determines how color and size are spread across the ranges. If you are spreading by color, these options appear in the group box:
Indicates that the color is spread using the red-green-blue color model. RGB is recommended if you are using a two-color spread, particularly if one of the colors is white.
Indicates that the color is spread using the hue-saturation-value color model.
If you are spreading by size, these scaling options appear in the box:
Square Root
Choose Square Root to scale by square root.
Choose Constant to scale linearly.
Choose Log to scale logarithmically (base 10).
Inserts an intermediate color at a point between the top and bottom styles. The inflection point provides you with a second interpolation of your data. If you want to show profits of sales regions, for example, make the inflection point white (the default) and set it at the range where the minimum value is zero. Set the top style to black, and the bottom style to red. Values above the inflection point spread from black down to white to show profit, and values below the inflection point spread from white to red to show loss. Instead of the top and bottom styles spreading to each other, as in a two-color spread, they spread to the inflection point color.
Inflection at
Choose an inflection point from the drop-down list. Choose None, for no inflection, or choose from 2 to 15, depending on the number of ranges you have. The number you choose indicates the placement of the inflection point.
Choose this box to make changes in the inflection point style.
Determines which attributes from the Style Buttons are applied to objects on the map. The button you choose in the Apply group overrides, and in some cases changes, the selection you made in the Autospread group.
All Attributes
All styles are applied.
The color(s) shown in the style buttons is applied. Autospread setting changes to color.
The size(s) shown in the style buttons is applied. This radio button displays only when you are working with a map that contains point or line objects. Autospread setting changes to size.
When you apply only color or size attributes to a thematic layer, the attributes from other thematic layers are not affected. Since each layer retains its attributes, you can apply different attributes to each layer, so that when the layers are overlapped a bivariate map results.
See Also: