Customize Bar Styles Dialog Box - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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The Fields drop-down list displays the fields and expressions you are using to build each bar chart. There is one bar chart per record and one bar for each field or expression. Double-click on a field or expression to change the brush style for its corresponding bar.


Choose Brush when a field or expression is selected in the drop-down list to change the brush style for its corresponding bar.

Chart Type

Choose the type of bar chart you want to create from the four choices in the group.


The bars for each variable are stacked on top of each other, creating a single bar chart.

Graduated Stack

The height of the bars are determined by the ratio of the sum of the values for each record to the value in the 'at' value box.

Multiple Bars

Creates a multi-bar chart, one bar for each field.

Independent Scales (Multi-Bar)

Creates a multi-bar chart where the bars are scaled independently of one another. The same bar in each chart is scaled according to the ratio of the height in the Max Height box to the maximum value of its corresponding variable, ignoring the 'at' value settling. When you check Independent Scales, at value and the scaling options are grayed.

If the Independent Scales check box is cleared, all the bars in each chart are scaled according to the ratio of the height in the Max Height box to the value in the at value box.

Chart Dimensions

Enables you to set the size of the bar charts.

Max Height

Indicates the maximum height of a bar. The default height is .25 inches, and the valid range is .1 to 10 inches. Set the paper units in System Preferences.

  • If you choose Stacked, and you also check Graduated Stack in the Chart Type group box, the value in the Max Height box is the height, in paper units, of a stacked bar when the value in the at value text box is the sum of the bar's data values.
  • If the bar chart is stacked but not graduated, then all the bars are the same height, as specified in the Max Height box, and the value in the at value box is ignored.
  • If the bar chart contains multiple bars with identical scales for each bar, all bars are scaled according to the ratio of Max Height to the at value. If the bar chart contains multiple bars with independent scales, at value is ignored and each bar is scaled according to the ratio of Max Height to its field's or expression's maximum value.

at value

Indicates the value at which a bar is a certain height. MapInfo Pro will choose a value, or you can choose your own value. At value is grayed for stacked bars that are not graduated and for multi-bar/independent scales.


Indicates the width, in paper units, of the bar chart. The valid range is .1 to 4 inches. You can set the paper units on the PRO tab, by clicking Options, and System Preferences.


Cancels customization and displays the Create Thematic Map - Step 3 of 3 Dialog Box.


MapInfo Pro customizes your map according to your specifications and displays the Create Thematic Map - Step 3 of 3 Dialog Box


The dialog box expands, displaying more customizing options.


Choose one of the buttons in the Orientation box to set the bar charts' placement and direction with respect to the object's centroid in the base layer. Each button shows a different orientation. The base layer is the map view of the table on which you have chosen to base your thematic map. For example, if you are making a thematic map with bar charts from the States table, the States layer is the base layer. The default is to place the bar chart above the object's centroid in the base layer.

Bar Attributes

Border Pen

Choose Border Pen to set the pen style for the borders of the bars and the frame. The Line Styles dialog box displays. The default pen style is a black, single width, solid pen.

Frame Brush

Choose Frame Brush to set the fill pattern of the rectangle that frames each bar chart. If you set the Frame Brush pattern to none (the N pattern in the Brush Picker), there is no frame around the bar charts.

Graduate Size By

Choose one of the three scaling methods.

Square Root

Choose Square Root to scale by square root.


Choose Constant to scale linearly.


Choose Log to scale logarithmically (base 10). All bars are scaled down to a zero-sized bar for a zero value. The default setting is to scale by a constant, which is best for representing data in one dimension. Since you are only concerned with one dimension in bar charts, the height of the bars, we recommend that you stay with the default scaling method.

Note: If your data range is extremely large, or the numbers are related in an exponential way, graduate the size by log.