Create Thematic Map - Step 3 of 3 Dialog Box - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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This dialog box has the same contents as the Create/Modify Thematic Map Dialog Box.


Displays a sample legend of the thematic map you are creating or modifying.


The buttons in the Customize group enable you to change the default settings of particular aspects of your thematic map.


This option is only available for ranged and grid maps. Allows you to customize ranges on a ranged map.


This option is only available for graduated symbols, dot density and grid maps. Allows you to customize the settings on a dot density map. Depending on whether you chose IDW or TIN from the Interpolator drop-down list, the corresponding dialog box will display.


Allows you to customize range style attributes such as color and size. This option is available for ranged, pie, bar, individual and grid value maps.


Allows you to customize your legend. This option is available for all types of thematic maps.


This option only appears for grid maps with interpolator settings. Interpolators produce raster grid files, which appear as raster layers in a Map window. Choose the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) interpolator or the Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) interpolator.

Swatch Size

This option only displays when modifying legends that were generated before version 11.5. Select the font size for the list in the frame legend. Options include Font Size, which is the actual font size, Small size, and Large size.


The buttons in the Templates group enable you to specify a name for a template, save the thematic map as a template, and when modifying an existing theme merge the thematic map with another template.

Save As

Displays the Save Theme to a Template dialog box. Type a unique name or highlight an existing name and overwrite it. If you overwrite an existing name you will be asked to confirm this action.

  • Save Customized Legend Text - Enabled when a legend's text has been changed. Choose to save the customized text.
  • Save Individual Values Categories - Enabled only if the selected individual value template contains the names of the individual categories and their associated styles. If checked, the theme is created using the individual categories from the template. Any names of categories found in your data that are also found in the template, will receive the individual category style for the name from the template. If unchecked, the template is applied to the theme without regard for the individual category themes. If you have created a grid thematic map, the Grid Theme Options display:
  • Save Inflection Values - Save the percentiles and calculate the active values from the minimum and maximum of the data source table.


Select this option to display the Merge Template dialog box. This dialog box displays only themes of the same type as the theme you are merging. The Theme button is enabled only when you are modifying an existing theme, not when you are creating a theme.

Number of Columns

Select the number of columns to use for the legend list. Selecting multiple columns will create a wider legend.

Legend Label Order

Determines the order in which range and value labels (for ranged and individual values maps) and field labels (for all other thematic maps) appear in the legend. If you are creating a ranged map, the order you specify is also shown in the Customize Range Styles dialog box.


Ranges display from lowest to highest value.


Ranges display from highest to lowest value.


Select this option to create a custom order of the legend labels. When you select this option the Order button enables.


Click this button to display the Customize Legend Label Order dialog box. Here you can click an entry in the list and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to properly position the label entries until they are in the order you want. Click OK to save the custom order.

Associate Theme With Table

Save As Default Theme View

Select if you wish to keep the theme with the table as its default legend view.

Remove Default Theme View

Select to disassociate a theme from the table.

Navigation Buttons


Choose Back to go back to the previous thematic dialog box.


Creates a thematic map based on either the default or customized settings.


Cancels the operation and returns you to the map.