Create New Table Dialog Box - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

Product type
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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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Save in

Select the path into which you want to save the new table.

File Name

Enter the filename you want to create.

Note: To see a list of files with a particular extension type an asterisk (*), a period and the three character extension. For example, if you want to see all files with a .dbf extension in a directory, type *.dbf

Save as type

Select the file format for the table.

dBase DBF

For dBase files, MapInfo Pro displays other dialog boxes, prompting for further information. These dialog box explanations are covered according to the type of file (for example, Opening DBF format files).

MapInfo Places

Select this button to display folders that are specific to MapInfo Pro, such as the Workspaces directory, the Import Files directory or other folders you have established in your MapInfo Pro Directories preferences.

Standard Places

Select this button to display folders that are standard, such as My Computer, My Recent Documents, and Desktop.

Open DBMS Connection

Use this button to open an DBMS connection to a remote database.


Saves the new table to the designated drive and directory.


Cancels the operation.


Click the Projection button to access the Choose Projection dialog box that defaults to the Longitude\Latitude (WGS84) projection. The Projection button is used to choose the coordinate system of the coordinates in the table. When the table already has graphic objects - some rows already have point objects - the coordinate values are treated as native coordinates in whatever projection with which the map was saved. The projection used is the current default table projection preference.


Specify the character set, such as UTF-8 or UTF-16, of the data file that you are creating. Only Windows and Unicode character sets are available. When working with a Unicode character set, the file defaults to the MapInfo Extended (*.tab) format, because the MapInfo (*.tab) format does not support Unicode.

For the MapInfo Extended (*.tab) format, Charset uses the preference set in the System Settings Preferences Dialog Box unless you change it.

For the MapInfo (*.tab) format, Charset uses the system character set unless you change it.

Note: The Charset setting remembers the selections you make for both the native and native extended file formats.