To display this dialog box, on the MAP tab, click Add To Map and select Legend. Click Next in the Create Legend wizard until you see its title change to Create Legend – Legend Default Properties.
From Map
Displays the title of the Map window for which the legend will be created.
Legend Properties
Window Title
Enter a title for the Legend, or accept <Default> to display the title indicated in the Map field.
Determines the orientation of frames within the Legend Designer window.
Legend Frame Defaults
Designates the text that displays at the top of each frame. Each occurrence of a '#' character will be replaced with the name of the map layer on which the frame is based. For example, "# Legend" for layer "States" will produce the title "States Legend". If you prefer to have Legend precede the layer name enter "Legend of #". This will produce "Legend of States". To create a title with the '#' character in it, precede it with a '\' character. For example, "\# of Customers" will produce "# of Customers".
Aa button
Invokes MapInfo Pro's Font Picker dialog box. This dialog box allows you to set the font used for the frame's style name text (can be overridden on a per frame basis in Step One).
Style Name
Designate the text that displays next to each symbol in a frame: use the '%' character to include the symbol type point, line, region, in the style name text. For example, "%of #" will expand to "Region of States". To create style names with the '%' character in them, precede it with a '\' character. For example, "\% of Total" will produce "% of Total".
Designates subtitle text; uses the # symbol in the same manner as described in Title.
Cancel button
Terminates the dialog box without creating a legend.
Next button
Displays the Create Legend – Frame Properties dialog box.
Finish button
Displays the legend. If the legend is the active window, the LEGEND tab displays.
See Also:
Features Visible when Creating Cartographic Legends
For backwards compatibility with maps created before version 11.5, you can still create cartographic legends. The following options are only visible in this dialog box when creating these legends.
Scroll Bars
Check to include scroll bars in the Legend box.
Border Style
Check to place a border around the selected Legend Frame. If you want to change the pen style for the border, click the box displaying the X (the Style button) to display the Line Style dialog box.
Style Sample Size Small/Large
Select the size of the style sample for Cartographic maps by clicking the Small or Large button.