Legend Frames
This list box includes all frames selected in Step 1 (including all theme frames). The list is single select. Sdelect one frame and set attributes for it (or accept the defaults). Each frame in the list represents a layer (and underlying table) in the map.
This dialog shows different options for different layer types, such as map layers, theme layers, and raster layers.
- When adding a legend for a theme layer, only Title and Subtitle can be set. Other options are not available. Changing a theme legend title and subtitle affects all occurrences of the thematic legend.
- When adding a legend for a raster layer (a raster overlay on the map or a raster map), only the Title, Subtitle, Filter Max entries, and Save frame settings to Metadata options are available.
Designate a title for the selected legend frame. The Title and Subtitle are either from the defaults indicated in the Create Legend - Legend Default Properties dialog box or from the metadata in the .TAB file. If metadata keys do not exist, the Legend Frame Defaults from Step 2 are used.
Designate a subtitle for the selected legend frame.
The Filter panel displays when adding a legend for a raster layer.
Max Entries
This sets the number of legend values in the raster legend. The default value is 100. You can select an existing value in the list or enter a new value between 1 and 1600. If the total number of colors for a raster legend is 265, but the maximum number of entries is set to 100, then only 100 colors display in the legend frame. If the number of colors is less than the filter amount, then all colors are included. To change the legend, you must re–create it with a new Max Entries value.
Styles from
Unique map styles
Unique map styles means that no two styles with the same attributes are part of the legend.
For example, if you have a MapInfo table that has 6 polygon objects where 3 of the polygons are green with black borders, 2 of them are blue with gray borders, and 1 is green with a gray border. If you generate a legend for this table based on unique map styles, you'll get a list of 3 styles: a green style with black border, a blue style with gray border and a green style with gray border.
Unique value in column
Select from a list of columns in the table.
Label Styles with
List of columns in the table + <Style Name Pattern> + Expression.
Save frame settings to Metadata button
Choose this option to save the settings for Title, Subtitle, styles column and styles label to the table metadata for the selected legend frame. If you select this option, the designated settings are saved to the table metadata, and become the defaults for the legend frame.
Display Style Overrides are in effect for this legend frame
When the selected layer has style overrides active, the following text displays at the bottom of the dialog box: Display style overrides are in effect for this legend frame, and column and label fields are ignored when the legend is created. However, if Display Style Overrides is not active for the map layer and the legend is refreshed, it will be refreshed according to the column and label originally designated.
Cancel button
Terminates the dialog box without creating a legend.
Finish button
Displays the legend. If the Legend is the active window, Legend displays as a menu option.
See Also: