About the Tables Window - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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Tables in the Tables window can be ordered in several ways. If the tables are organized by group, double-click on the group name to expand or collapse to view or hide the table names.

Hovering over an entry in the Tables window displays the path of the open table as a tool tip.

Like other windows, the Tables window is resizable, floatable, dockable, and can be hidden. On the List drop-down, choose how to display the entries from the following commands:

About the Tables Window Commands

Group By Type

Group tables by type into a tree view.

Ascending order

Click to sort tables in ascending order.

Descending order

Click to sort tables in descending order.

Recently Opened First

Click to sort tables based on the order they were opened. The most recently opened table displays first. In tree view mode, the table type nodes always display in ascending order.

About the Tables Menu Options

Right-click on a table in the Tables list to view a pop-up menu with the following options:

  • Select All Rows from Table - Select this option to select all the rows in the table together. If a table is selectable, this menu item includes the table name. For unsupported tables, this menu option is unavailable.
  • Browse - Select this option to open a table in a Browser window and edit records, copy records, add new records, or delete existing records.
  • Open in new Map Window - Select this option to open the table in a new Map window.

    For more information, see Opening MapInfo Tables.

  • Export - Select this option to open the Export Table to File dialog box to export the table. You can export graphics and tabular data to MapInfo Pro format (MIF). Only tabular data can be exported to Delimited ASCII (*.txt), dBASE DBF (*.dbf), and Command delimited CSV (*.csv).
  • Rename Table - Opens the Rename Table window where you can enter a new name for the table file. The table file name is the layer name in the Tables list.
  • Open Containing Folder - Open folder in explorer and select tab file for each selected table.
  • Copy Path - Copy path to clipboard for selected tables.
  • Refresh - Select this option to refresh WFS, Universal Data, and DBMS tables. It is enabled for single selection only.

    WFS table - It refreshes the WFS layer based on the WFS server settings and the filter options set for WFS Refresh in the Web Services Preferences. It is enabled for a WFS table when connection to the Internet or intranet is established.

    Universal Data table - It refreshes the Universal Data table, such as AutoCAD®, Microstation Design®, and ESRI ArcSDE datasets.

    DBMS table -It refreshes a MapInfo Pro linked table with the most recent data residing on the remote database for that linked table. It is enabled when there are no pending edits against the table.

  • Table Structure - Select this option to specify the field name, field type, number of characters (width), and whether the field is to be indexed for each field in your new database. You also indicate whether or not the table is mappable by associating graphic objects with records and, if so, whether the map is to be an earth or a non-earth map. Collectively, this information is the structure of your database.

    For more information, see Modify Table Structure Dialog Box in the Help System.

    For more information, see Modify Table Structure Dialog Box.

  • Create Points - Select this option to create point objects for a database that has X and Y coordinates or longitude/latitude coordinate information. These points can be displayed on a map. If you do not have coordinates in your table, then use Geocode to match some other geographic information (such as street address) against a table that already has graphic objects.

    For more information, see Create Points Dialog Box in the Help System.

    For more information, see Create Points Dialog Box.

  • Update Column - Select this option to change a column's value by updating a table based on its own data values or by updating a table based on data from another table. This dialog box remembers the column that was updated the last time update was run and the expression that was used for updating a column the last time an update was run.

    For more information, see Update Column Dialog Box in the Help System.

    For more information, see Update Column Dialog Box.

  • View/Edit Metadata - Select this option to view the metadata of a managed table.
  • Add to Library - Select this option to create a metadata record for the layer in the MapInfo Manager Library. You can perform this operation only after selecting the Catalogs and Library Mode preference for library services and while at least one unmanaged native table is open.

    For more information, see the Catalog Browser Help System.

    To set preferences for library services: on the PRO tab, click Options, and Web Services. Click the Library Services tab.

    Note: To load the Catalog Browser tool into MapInfo Pro, on the HOME tab, in the Tools group, click Tool Extensions, and click the Registered tab, and then select the Catalog Browser check box.
  • Close - Closing a table removes it from active use in your current session. When you close a table, you automatically close all views of that table. When closing a table that displays in a Map window with other tables, MapInfo Pro removes that table from the window and keeps the Map window open.

    For more information, see Closing a Table.