Changing How a Layer Displays on the Map - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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The Layer Properties dialog box customizes the display for each layer in a Map window.

To change the display options of a layer:

  1. On the HOME tab, in the Windows group, click Tool Windows, and click Explorer from the list, to open the Explorer window.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Select a layer and right-click Layer Properties .
    • Double-click a layer name to open the Layer Properties dialog box.

      You can change the default styles for the layer, set the zoom at which a layer displays, and show line direction, object nodes and centroids.

  3. On the Layer Display tab, check the Style Override or the Display within Zoom Range check boxes.

    The Zoom Layering options allow you to determine zoom levels at which the selected layer displays, so that the map layer displays only when the map's zoom level falls within this preset distance.

    For more about zoom layering, see Setting the Zoom Layering.

    The Show options at the bottom of the Layer Display tab, allow you to set the way points, lines and regions display on the current layer.

    Note: For information about using stacked styles, see Stacking Styles for a Layer.
  4. Select the Show line direction check box to show the direction of line objects.
  5. Select the Show Nodes check box if you plan to edit objects in a layer and need to see the object's nodes.
  6. Select the Show Centroids check box to show the centroid of an object.
  7. Click on Expression to set the layer filter expression using the Expression builder dialog. Verify the expression and click OK. You can turn the expression filter On or Off as required.
    Note: When a layer in the map has a filter expression (not empty), then the item for that layer in the Layer control will also show a toggle button to turn the layer filter On or Off. Also, the Preview button will not work for a filtered expression.

    You can open the filtered Browser window using the Browse Table command from the Layer context menu. The header of the filtered Browser window will show a small filter icon next to the Browser Icon, to distinguish it from a normal table browser.

  8. Click Styles for New Objects to set specific styles (for lines, symbols, or regions) that will be applied to every item in the layer. This button is enabled when a layer is editable. Clicking Styles for New Objects opens the Insert Style dialog box where you can add, remove, and reorder styles for the layer. In this dialog box, clicking on a style swatch opens the Style dialog box for setting color, line pattern, or symbol shape.
  9. Make your new selections and then click OK to return to the Layer Properties dialog box.
  10. Click OK to return to the Layers window.

The map redraws with your changes.

For more information about changing the look of data on your layers, see Changing a Map's Style.

For more information about changing the look of data on your layers, see Changing a Map's Style in the Help System.

When you select a layer in the layer list, the STYLE tab displays on the MapInfo Pro ribbon. You can change style settings using the commands on this tab. For an overview of these commands, see the STYLE Tab.

Changing Display Options for Multiple Layers

You can change layer properties for multiple layers at the same time, so long as they are the same type of layer (lines, regions, or symbols). Press the Shift or the Ctrl key while selecting layers to make multiple selections, and then right-click and choose Layer Properties. If the layers you select are not all the same type (you selected a line layer and a symbol layer for example), then the Layer Properties command is disabled.

You can also set a style override for all the selected layers by clicking the Style Override swatch, or set the labeling font for all the selected layers by right-clicking on one of the selected layers and then choosing Label Font.