Opening a Workspace - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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Any previously opened tables and windows will be left untouched when you open a workspace. However, to avoid cluttering up your screen with unnecessary windows, use the Close All command on the HOME tab before adding the workspace.

There are two MapInfo workspace formats, WOR and MWS. A .wor file is written using MapBasic and a .mws file is written using XML. The MWS format contains more information about the data sources than the WOR format does. MapInfo Pro works with both workspace formats, but other MapInfo products may work with only one of the two formats.

MapInfo Pro has some limitations opening a .mws file and may not read all of the information contained within it. For details, see Limitations opening a MWS Format Workspace.

To open either a .wor or a .mws workspace:

  1. On the HOME tab, in the File group, from the Open list, click Open Workspace.
  2. In the Open dialog box, from the Files of type list, select Workspace (*.wor, *.mws).
  3. From the Look in list, navigate to and select the workspace (.wor or .mws) file to open.
  4. Click Open.
Note: When you exit MapInfo Pro, the MapInfo Pro workspace (MAPINFOPRO.WOR) stores the last session (unless you have set your preferences so that the workspace will not be written). If there are files you do not want added to your workspace, close them before exiting.