Saving a Copy of Your Table in a Different Projection - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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To save in a different projection (default coordinate system):

  1. Do one of the following:
    • If you have only one table open, then on the TABLE tab, in the Content group, click Save, and Save Copy As to open the Save Copy of Table As dialog box.

      If the Save Copy As displays, select the table from the list and click Save As.

    • If you have several tables open, then on the HOME tab, in the File group, click Save Copy As to open the Save Copy As dialog box. Choose a table from the drop-down list. Click Save top open the Save Copy of Table As dialog box.
  2. Select the Save in Background check-box to execute the save operation in background.
    Note: This option is supported and selected by default for input table types Native, NativeX, OGR and GPKG and for output to Native and NativeX.
  3. Type the name of your new table in the File Name box of the dialog box.
  4. Specify the drive and directory where the new file is to be saved.
  5. Click the Projection button to open the Choose Projection dialog box.
  6. Choose a projection category and choose one of the projections in the category.
  7. Click OK; MapInfo Pro returns you to the Save Copy of Table As dialog box.
  8. Click Save.

MapInfo Pro creates the new table, but it is not open. When you want to work with the new table, you must first open it on the HOME tab, in the Open list, click Table.