If exporting to CSV or TXT, your column type must be set to Decimal with specified precision (number of digits in the number). Other data formats, such as Float, cause your data to truncate and generates an error message that displays after processing the table.
You can export a single or multiple tables to export:
- On the TABLE tab, in the Content
group, click Export.
- If multiple tables are loaded in MapInfo Pro, the Export Table dialog box with a list of open tables is displayed. Select the tables to export and click Export to open the Export Table(s) to File(s) dialog box.
- If a single table is loaded in MapInfo Pro, the Export Table(s) to File(s) dialog box is displayed.
- The Export Table(s) to File(s) dialog box has two
Exporting a single file.
Choose a directory and a file name for your Output File.
Click the Export as Type drop-down list and choose the file format you want the file saved in.
Select the Show All OGR Formats to populate the Export as Type drop-down list with additional OGR formats along with the default ones.
Exporting multiple files.
- Choose a directory for your Output Folder.
- Name Pattern - Output file naming in pattern <prefix><filenale><suffix>.
- Sample - Displays sample based on the naming pattern.
Click the Export as Type drop-down list and choose the file format you want the file saved in.
Select the Show All OGR Formats to populate the Export as Type drop-down list with additional OGR formats along with the default ones.
- Click OK. If the format chosen was the MapInfo Pro Interchange Format (*.mif), then the file was exported. If the format you chose was .TXT, .DXF, .DBF, .MIF, or .CSV a dialog box pertaining to each format displays.