MapInfo Pro gives you the processing power of databases (including powerful SQL queries) and the visual power of maps. It is an essential business tool for data analysis, sales, and presentations.
Here is a look at some of the features MapInfo Pro offers:
- Direct opening of files created with dBASE or FoxBASE, delimited ASCII, comma delimited CSV files, ESRI shapefiles, Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Access; importing of graphics files in a variety of formats; a function for creating database files from within the product.
- Multiple views of your data in Map or Browser windows. Hot Views allow you to open multiple views of the same data and update them when you change any one view.
- Live ODBC access to remote database data, such to SQL Server.
- Seamless map layers that allow you to handle several map layers as if they were one layer.
- Legend Designer window, enabling you to create and customize legends for any map layer.
- Thematic maps to create analyses of your data with high visual impact, including grid surface themes, 3DMaps, and Prism maps.
- Use raster underlay capabilities to enhance your work session.
- Querying capabilities ranging from simple data selections from a single file to complex SQL queries from one or more files.
- Workspaces that save all your settings and views so you can start where you left off.
- HotLinks that let you launch files or URLs directly from a Map window.
- A comprehensive array of drawing and editing tools for customizing your maps.
- Thousands of ready-made maps and functions for creating your own maps.
- A layout window for preparing output.
- Printing and export capabilities for high-quality output
- The ability to change the projection of your map for display or digitizing.
- Object processing functions that help to correct errors in data, set node snap tolerances for different objects, as well as thin nodes and polygons.
When it is time to run MapInfo Pro, you will feel right at home with its windowing environment. After you have organized your data visually, you will save the results to files, or send them to your printer or plotter.
For tips to help you succeed in using MapInfo Pro, see Ensuring Your Success in the MapInfo Pro: Getting Support Guide.
For tips to help you succeed in using MapInfo Pro, see Ensuring Your Success.