The Quick Access Toolbar can be configured to hold commands to suit your needs and work style. You may wish to include frequently used commands here rather than access them from one of the tabs on the ribbon. By default Open Table, Save Workspace, and Close All are included on the Quick Access Toolbar.
Use the Quick Access Toolbar menu to locate the toolbar above or below the MapInfo Pro ribbon and control whether the ribbon is viewable or hidden.
- Right-click on the ribbon and choose Customize Quick Access
Toolbar to open the Customize Ribbon
dialog box.
This dialog is also available from the Customize Quick Access Toolbar menu, in the upper left corner of the desktop, by choosing More Commands.
- Highlight Quick Access Toolbar in the left pane to access the customizable settings.
- From the Choose commands from: drop down list, choose
the command group or choose Application Commands
(default). The commands list updates based on your selection.
Commands are grouped by common themes, such as Layer and Edit commands, as well as for each tab. Layer and Legend commands are also listed.
- Double-click on a command name or highlight it and click Add to move it to the Quick Access Toolbar pane.
The following instructions describe how to add more commands and organize them on the toolbar.
- On the Customize Ribbon dialog box, click the Remove button.
- Click OK to save your changes.
- On the Customize Ribbon dialog box, use the Up and Down arrows.
- Click OK to save your changes.
- On the Customize Ribbon dialog box, click Reset.
- Click OK to save your changes.
- Right-click on the ribbon and choose Show Quick Access Toolbar Below the Ribbon.
- Right-click on the ribbon and choose Minimize Ribbon. See Customizing the Ribbon.