Symbol/Graduated Style Group - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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These commands help you in customization of Symbol/Graduated theme settings and styles. This group is visible only when you select the Graduated theme type in the Layers or Explorer window.

Icon Command Description
  Field Updates the field or expression that contains the data values. The drop-down list displays all the applicable fields in the table selected when creating the theme.

Choose Graduated to make the size of the pies proportional to the sum of their components.

Square Root Choose Square Root to scale by square root.

Constant Choose Constant to scale linearly.

Log Choose Log to scale logarithmically (base 10). The default setting is to scale by square root. We recommend that you scale by square root in a graduated symbols map. When you scale by square root, MapInfo Pro assigns symbol sizes in such a way that, the area of a symbol is proportionate to the symbol's value. Therefore, if one records value is three times larger than another record's value, the larger record has a symbol that occupies three times as much area on the map. Cartographers have determined that this method of varying symbol sizes produces maps that result in more accurate visual representations of the data values, making far better comparisons.

  Positive Symbol Enables you to choose a symbol for positive data values. Displays the Symbol Style dialog box for positive values.
  Negative Symbol Enables you to choose a symbol for negative data values. Displays the Symbol Style dialog box for positive values.
  Show Negative Values

Check this box to display the symbol for negative values on your map. Changing the values of the negative values symbol has no effect on the attributes of the positive values symbol. To change the negative values symbol's attributes, click inside the Symbol style box in the Negative Values group. The Symbol Style dialog box displays. You can change the type of symbol, its color and size. The default is a 36 point blue circle.

  Symbol Font Size

Choose the point size for the symbol from the drop-down list. The default size is 36 points.

Increase Symbol Size

Increases the symbol size.

Decrease Symbol Size

Decreases the symbol size.

  At Value

Enter the data value on which you want to base the symbol's proportion. The size of the symbol at this value is the size you specified in the Symbol Style dialog box. The symbols for the remaining data values are sized using this value. The default setting is the maximum value of your data, with two significant digits. The symbols are scaled down to a one point symbol for zero values.

See also: